Useful design patterns for working with FragmentManager on Android


When working with fragments, I have been using a class composed of static methods that define actions on fragments. For any given project, I might have a class called FragmentActions, which contains methods similar to the following:

public static void showDeviceFragment(FragmentManager man){
    String tag = AllDevicesFragment.getFragmentTag();

    AllDevicesFragment fragment = (AllDevicesFragment)man.findFragmentByTag(tag);

    if(fragment == null){
        fragment = new AllDevicesFragment();

    FragmentTransaction t = man.beginTransaction();
    t.add(, fragment, tag);


I'll usually have one method per application screen. I do something like this when I work with small local databases (usually SQLite) so I applied it to fragments, which seem to have a similar workflow; I'm not married to it though.

How have you organized your applications to interface with the Fragments API, and what (if any) design patterns do you think apply do this?

Best Answer

The accepted pattern is to have a factory method inside your custom fragment class (typically called newInstance() but hey dealer's choice). So your fragment class should look something like this:

public class MyFragment extends Fragment
    public static MyFragment newInstance()
        MyFragment newFragment = new MyFragment();
        // add any bundle arguments here if needed
        return newFragment;
    // rest of fragment class...

Then, when you create a fragment and add it to the backstack, instead of saying:

MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment();

You can use the factory method instead of the 'new' keyword.

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