Usefulness of pre and post order traversal of binary trees

binary treegraph-traversal

This may be very naive, but I was wondering, it the context of binary trees (plain, sorted and balanced), of all the traversal types:

  • depth-first pre-order
  • depth-first in-order
  • depth-first post-order
  • breadth-first

what's the actual utility of pre and post-order ones? I mean, is there some type and/or configuration of binary tree in which pre and/or post-order traversal would give an(some) advantage(s) over the other two?

AFAICS, there are certain types and configuration of binary trees for which in-order and breadth-first might give a certain advantage:

  • for a balanced binary tree any depth-first traversal will use less memory storage space as compared to breadth first (eg. for balanced binary tree of 6 or 7 nodes, height is 2 so any depth-first traversal will need to store a max of 2 nodes at any given time, while last level has 3 or 4 nodes so breadth-first traversal would need to store up to 3 or 4 nodes at some point). In this case using in-order traversal uses the least amount of memory and visits the nodes in their natural order.

  • for a non-balanced binary tree, if it's close to the worst-case insertion scenario, traversing it breadth-first would use less memory as compared to any of the depth-first traversals. So in this case breadth-first offers an advantage. In-order traversal has the again the advantage of visiting values in their natural order.

However I can't think of a situation where pre and post-traversal would give an advantage over the other two.

Best Answer

You need to do various things with trees, like translate between the data structure and some serial representation, like on a file or in a language.

So, for example, suppose you have a parse tree like this:

   / \
  +   \
 / \   \
A   B   C

You could serialize it as * + A B C by walking it in prefix order, or as A B + C * by walking it in postfix order. If you work at all with language processors, such things need to be second-nature.

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