User story and Web Service


I am writing a user story and have a simple questions.

Consider, I am writing it for login module which calls internally a web service to authenticate the user and returns the data. How this can be converted into a user story.

Should this be written as:

As a user,

I would like to login to the system and see the resultset.

and leave it or should I write validations/web service call as well as well.

As I understand, as a user I am not concerned with web service. So how should I write about this?

Best Answer

As a user, I would like to login to the system and see the resultset.

This leaves out part of the story. While the functionality is to login and see the resultset, why is that important? The technical details of the web service aren't useful for the user as why would they care about the behind the scenes part of the service. They just want it to work though you are missing why this is important. Is the resultset so they can know what to do next? Is it something for them to monitor how well is the system working? There are tons of reasons for wanting to allow someone to log-in and you have the why part of things here.

"As a user, I am able to login to the system so that I can see the results of my sales this month to update my goals." would be something that captures that last part as if there is an alternative method that could be explored to get the same benefit.

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