Using a product licensed under GNU GPLv3 for internal company use


I am in the process of a creating a small web portal for the department I'm working in. For this is need to present some data, and have found the following:, which could seem to be of great help to me.

The above is licensed under GNU GPLv3, and my question is whether it would be allowed for me to use the above, for free.

To clarify, the portal that I'm creating will in no way be sold or generate money, but will purely be for internal informational purposes.

I have read through the terms and conditions of the GPLv3, and as far as i can make out, my situation is legal, but i want to be absolutely sure that I'm not using the software illegally.

Best Answer

GPL does not restrict usage in any way. Even making money is OK. Only further distribution is subject to the license terms.

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