Functional Programming – Using foldr to Append Two Lists in Haskell

functional programminghaskell

I have been given the following question as part of a college assignment. Due to the module being very short, we are using only a subset of Haskell, without any of the syntactic sugar or idiomatic shortcuts….I must write:

append xs ys : The list formed by joining the lists xs and ys, in that order

append (5:8:3:[]) (4:7:[]) => 5:8:3:4:7:[]

I understand the concept of how foldr works, but I am only starting off in Functional programming. I managed to write the following working solution (hidden for the benefit of others in my class…) :

append = \xs -> \ys -> foldr (\x -> \y -> x:y) ys xs

However, I just can't for the life of me, explain what the hell is going on!?
I wrote it by just fiddling around in the interpreter, for example, the following line :

foldr (\x -> \y -> x:y) [] (2:3:4:[])

which returned [2:3:4] , which led me to try,

foldr (\x -> \y -> x:y) (2:3:4:[]) (5:6:7:[])

which returned [5,6,7,2,3,4]

so I worked it out from there. I came to the correct solution through guess work and a bit of luck…

I am working from the following definition of foldr:

foldr = \f -> \s -> \xs -> if null xs then
                              f (head xs) (foldr f s (tail xs) )

Can someone baby step me through my correct solution? I can't seem to get it….I already have scoured the web, and also read a bunch of SE threads, such as How foldr works

Best Answer

Folds over lists consist of three elements - the list to fold over, some accumulator function f and an initial value.

They transform the list a:b:c:[] into (a f (b f (c f init))) where init is the initial element i.e. they replace the cons constructor : with your accumulator function and the empty list [] with your supplied initial value.

You can think of your append function as transforming the list x1:x2:..:xn into the list x1:x2:..:xn:ys for some given list ys. This can be done by simply using ys as the replacement for the empty list [] which terminates your xs list.

Your code can be written as

append xs ys = foldr (\x y -> x:y) ys xs

Your accumulator function f has the type a -> [a] -> [a] and is the same as the (:) function, so you could write it as

append xs ys = foldr (:) ys xs

If the first argument xs is the list x1:x2:...:xn then the result of append is the list x1:x2:...xn:ys as required.

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