Lisp Values – ‘Values’ vs ‘List’ for Returning Multiple Values from Lisp Form


What's the difference between using (values …) versus (list …) (or literally '(one two three …)) to return multiple values from a lambda (or other implicit progn)? Does it create some special glue to multiple-value-bind? Superficially, I can't see any difference and am curious whether it's merely a convention for multiple return values.

Best Answer

This question has been already answered on SO: values function in Common Lisp.

Briefly, multiple values is a facility to return many objects without allocating extra memory. E.g. floor must return two values - quotient and remainder. It can return a list (or a pair) or it can return two values. In the former case it will have to allocate a cons cell on each call, in the second it will not.

This means that multiple values have certain limitations (one cannot return more than 20 values portably).

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