VB.NET Serial Key Generation – Encryption, Hashing, and Encoding Algorithms


I am trying to create a basic licensing system where I take a unique ID from the client computer, and I get this Hexadecimal string (hyphens removed e.g. "84-18-CE-…."):


It's only encoded into this format to make the ID longer.

Basically what I've been trying to do (without success), is to create some routine that can transform this string into a 25-character long (minus the dashes) string like the one below:


(An alpha-numeric key with numbers or letters in no particular pattern, preferably letter,number, letter or vice versa)

I just can't figure out how I could then validate this key, so that I could extract the untransformed Hex string we began with.

  • Note that the original Hex string will not always be the same length. Also, a routine that will convert ANY string into such a format (alpha-numeric, caps-only) will be acceptable.
  • I just realized that perhaps this isn't possible (to shorten the string down to 25 characters, and still retain the information (silly, I know). I will now accept anything that will allow me to create a 25-character OR LONGER string, from which I can select 25 characters.

Best Answer

Convert the hexadecimal number to base 36. Example here.

According to that page, Your input yields


in base 36.

Here is a Stack Overflow question that has an arbitrary base conversion function in c# (alas, couldn't get the online converter to properly convert it to VB). You can see it in action here: http://ideone.com/nDun6s

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