Web Development – Bottom-Up or Top-Down Approach?


Not sure if the title really fits with the question, but figured it was the closest to give an overview of my question..

I'm working on a web application that (fairly heavily) employs the use of browser-specific CSS functions such as -moz-transform) and I'm curious as to what approach those with more experience developing these types of applications use. For context, I'm referringly solely to front end development (my backend pipeline's pretty solid :)).

The way I see it, there are two methods of development:

  • Get new functionality working in all browsers, only introducing new code once all applicable browsers have all been tested.
  • Get your functionality complete in one browser. Once your application is complete, start testing on other browsers and introduce fixes where needed.

Generally, I've been following the latter. I feel as though it allows me to concentrate on the core functionality and get more completed faster than if I was essentially halting functional development every time something new was completed to deal with browser nuances.

So, what practices do you follow when it comes to client-side development? I don't work professionally as a web developer, so best practices in web development are a little tougher to come by, other than my own trial and error (and scouring w3c recommendations). However, always a good thing to learn from those smarter than you :).

Best Answer

As long as it isn't completely broken in other browsers, it is best to focus on a single browser during development.

The non-standard hacks you need to add for IE tend to conflict with each other or affect other parts of the page, so making small adjustments before the page is complete just leads to having to repeat the work when something changes.

However, you should make sure that your css at least sort of works in all browsers - debugging something that doesn't render at all is way too complicated.

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