Web Development – Can You Build a Website with Only XHTML and CSS?


I am more of a desktop developer that a web developer. Therefore I only know XHTML and CSS when it comes to the web (and C#, if that is in any way useful). I have a little experience with ASP.NET with C# but I am in no ways an expert in it.

Say I want to write a small website to give a preview to any new software I make. Is XHTML and CSS enough to make it? Will I need to learn some server-side language? (or web development framework?) If so any suggestions?

I don't want to create something as awesome as Facebook or Stack-overflow. Just a normal website, kind of like http://thenewboston.com.

Best Answer

Therefore I only know XHTML and CSS when it comes to the web (and C#, if that is in any >way useful).

As a matter of fact, C# is useful, because it is used as the server side language in ASP.Net, so...

Will I need to learn some server-side language?

...no, you already know one. If you are familiar with Winforms or WPF, you should not have too much trouble getting a basic dynamic website going in ASP.Net. You will have a to learn a few new controls and some parts of .Net you may not be familiar with, but it will not be like learning a platorm from scratch. I would recommend going for ASP.Net MVC3, but Webforms is also an option.

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