Business Process Maps – Converting Business Process Maps into Software


I am fairly new to web application development. I have defined my problem domain through talking to various stakeholders and putting a process map together – basically a flow chart showing the different steps and processes that the web application must be able to recreate.

The problem I am having is that I'm struggling to map this process into application design and code. I was wondering if there are any best practices or development methods that help map a business process into an application design?

I have briefly read up about Domain Driven Development and that seems like it may be a good approach.

To clarify, I am after a methodology or design principle that will help turn the business process into code. For example, I COULD just map every box in the process map to an identically named class in my code. Thus translating the business process into a domain model (i.e. object orientated) in my code. But is this the best way to do it?

Best Answer

You might want to take a look at various open source Business Process Management suites. BPM is this exact idea, identifying the process a business takes to effect some activity, and mapping it into software in a way that manages the flow of the process. It seems like it would lend itself well to your issue. I work professionally with IBM BPM, but that is a proprietary and non-free solution, and is probably overkill for what you might be looking to achieve, which is why I provided a list of open source ones. I suggest looking through how those platforms/framworks operate on a conceptual level, even if they aren't the direct implementation of a solution for you, understanding how they handle the concept can be useful to you in 'rolling your own' solution.

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