Database Design – Do You Still Need Created_by and Updated_by Attributes with Dedicated Auditing?


For as long as I have been writing database-backed websites, I have included created_by, created_at, updated_by, and updated_at in every single table. As you can guess, whenever a record gets created or updated the appropriate fields are set. Currently I'm working on an auditing module for my website so that every insert/update gets added to an Audit table along with the field values from the record being changed. Habit has me still adding those create/update columns to each record but I'm wondering if they are even needed anymore.

Are created_by/created_at/updated_by/updated_at fields still necessary or helpful if those same actions are being tracked in a dedicated table?

Best Answer

No, they're not. The purpose of auditing is to determine who did what in the past. The current data is irrelevant for this purpose, but you will need to record which data changed - there's no point in saying "user Dave change the person table" without saying what he changed. This information doesn't have to be recorded so formally though.

You might like to store the table that was modified, and a text field containing the data changes to assist in filtering the audit records during an investigation, or just the data changes if you can filter on other factors or substring searches of the text.

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