Agile Development – How to Handle UI Design and Feature Support

agileuser interfaceuser-experienceuser-storyweb-development

In an Agile development process usually the main focus is on User stories, but sometimes a single requirement may span several user stories.

For example, the client may request a search page for all users in a forum, and there are several actions that can occur on each user such as ban user, delete user, reset Password, etc.

We may divide this feature into at least 4 user stories:

  1. Search for users
  2. Ban user
  3. Delete user
  4. Reset password

How would the user interface designer implement such a user interface? Should he/she work on the first user story and then start incrementing more features to the UI? However, I think the final UI will be messed up!

If he decides to work on the whole feature (search + actions), what if the actions where of low priority and would be implemented several iterations after the search functionality was done?

Best Answer

Take it iteratively. You're working directly with the users, right? So it should never really be a mess.

First do the search page. You and the users should keep in mind that they'll want to be able to do actions on the results. Do the users like it? OK, you've got your search.

Now add the "Change Password" (or whatever is next in priority). Oops, we need to change the search page a little--well, change is often part of the game. Do the users like it like the results? Good.

Now add the next item, and the next...

The agile approach says you always have feedback right away, so you should be good.

That said, there's no real reason why you might not be able to attack 2 of these stories in the same iteration (adding delete user AND ban user). The key is to always be working with the customer to make sure it's right.

You're often (always?) going to end up with users thinking of something else they want to do from that search screen after your original "design" is done and implemented. So, you'll end up modifying it at some point anyway. Just approach the whole thing with that expectation and you should be good.

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