Project Management – How to Start a Development Project with Many Potential Stakeholders


I've just taken on a new job at a college as (the sole) Web application developer.

The college has a number of disparate but all pretty badly coded legacy systems. Mostly built in PHP they deal with things like attendance, exam results, marking etc.

My first job is to build a system that incorporates a lot of this data, which is currently resting in various databases without any kind of friendly API to pull it out (the existing systems are coded in vanilla PHP with no separation of data and view) with a new platform for recording pastoral information about students and presents it to tutors and senior staff in a useful manner so they can react to issues with students quickly.

In our first meeting, there were 18 people! There was no clear leader or voice that represented the majority. No identifiable client. The meeting swung from detailed implementation ideas on minor features from heads of faculty to arguments about whether we should use Excel spreadsheets or not for data input!

As you can imagine my head was spinning at the end. I actually had a lot of good ideas but I couldn't get them heard. This is a very new role for me, before I was part of a development team in a marketing agency. We had very well defined roles: Project Manager, Client, Designer, Developer.

I'd like to know if any seasoned developers or managers out their can give me some pointers on how I can whip my colleagues up into something that resembles a project team. Is agile the way to go? How would you approach handling all the disparate voices? It's clear that some process needs to be put in place very quickly, I'm just not sure what that is.

Best Answer

I would not expect any "agile development process" here as a solution to your current problem. First thing for you should be: clear your mission. That means:

  • clarify what your own responsibilities are
  • clarify what the responsibilities of the other stakeholders are
  • identify who is responsible for each of the legacy systems
  • if there is no client (yet) for your web application, find one who is going to use it in the future and ask for permission to incorporate him as a representative user of your system (a person you can discuss the requirements with)
  • if there are different stakeholders with different goals, collect their requirements (for example, by interviewing them one-by-one, not 18 people alltogether in one room). Write the results on a list. Afterwards, start priorizing.
  • write down a roadmap (the big picture) and a small spec for release 0.1 and make your boss as well as the representative client agree to it formally
  • EDIT: see GlenH7`s comment

This can take a while, you will probably don't write much code at this stage of the project. In such a situation, you should do some "requirements engineering" first. But start small, think big. Once you have developed your first release, you will have something to show around, discuss requirements again with the stakeholders etc.

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