Web-development – How to test the render speed of the solution in a web browser


Ok, I need to test the speed of my solution in a web browser, but I have some problems, there are 2 versions of the web solution, the original one that is on server A and the "fixed" version that is on server B.

I have VS2010 Ultimate, so I can make a web and load test on solution B, but I can't load the A solution on my IDE.

I was trying to use fiddle2 and jmeter, but they only gave me the times of the request and response of the browsers with the server, I also want the time it takes to the browser to render the whole page.

Maybe I'm misusing some of this tools…

I don't know if this could be usefull but:

  • Solution A is on VB 6.0
  • Solution B is on VB.Net

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

The best answer I can suggest is: Selenium. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, and IE. It can even generate test cases that can be automated by VSTS. You can also create a farm of browser test automation machines to execute the tests.

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