Web Development – POST/Redirect/GET with Invalid Form Submission

design-patternsprogramming practicesweb-development

In the field of web development, is it good practice to do a POST/Redirect/GET when fields in a form submission are invalid, as well?

Typically, no sensitive transaction would have taken place, in this event. However, can an argument be made that, nonetheless, it is still good practice to utilize the POST/Redirect/GET pattern?

Best Answer

From a REST perspective the web conversation should go like this

GET /example

200 OK - contains empty form HTML

The user fills in the form

POST /example



400 BAD REQUEST - contains populated form HTML with errors

The user identifies the problem with the form submission and fixes it

POST /example



201 CREATED - contains HTML with success message and onward links (also Location header for REST clients) or 200 OK and 204 NO CONTENT are acceptable

There is no need to introduce a redirect, and it would break the semantics of the conversation to do so.