Web-development – Securely storing secret data in a client-side web application


I have this web application that is going to be all client-side technology (HTML, CSS, JavaScript/AngularJS, etc…). This web application is going to be interacting with REST API in order to access and modify data. Right now it is undecided on what type of authentication system the REST API is going to use.

From my understanding, any type of API authentication system (API Keys, OAuth 1/2, etc…) is going to have certain data that needs to be kept secret otherwise access can be compromised. For API Keys, they keys themselves need to be secret, for OAuth 2 the client secret/access tokens/refresh tokens need to be kept secret, I am sure a few of the 4 keys involved in OAuth 1 needs to be kept secret (not too much experience with OAuth 1). I have been trying to think if there is a way to store this secret stuff in a pure client-side web application without a middle layer of sorts on the server side.

I have been trying to think about this and I can't think of any place to do that. I mean I can't store it in javascript because anyone can just view the source or open up the console and get the data. I am not 100% sure how secure localStorage is and if users can access/modify that data. Even if local storage was secure, the two ways I can think of getting data into it are not. One way is to just store the data in the javascript source code which is the most insecure thing I can think of. Now if I was using something like OAuth 2 in which the rest api itself would give me the tokens, that would still not be that secure (better than the first option) because those tokens would be returned as plain text that anyone who can see the requests the computer is making could see.

Is there any way to have an application that is completely running client side be able to store secret pieces of data securely without some sort of middle layer on the server side?

Best Answer

No, it can never be completely secure. The user is in control of the hardware, and you are trying to keep something out of their hands. Ultimately, they CAN get it through one means or another. Since you are working from javascript, your position is MUCH worse than a normal computer application, as not only does the user control the hardware, they control the sandbox that you are running in.

You can hide things, and make it hard to get to stuff, but in the end they CAN get it out, if they try hard enough.

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