Web-development – Steps in creating a Complex Web Application


Hey guys I have this great idea for a web application, but I am unsure on how to develop it.

I know I need a team of people to make it, Developers and Designers, but where do I start?

Eventually I know I will need everyone, but for a startup, who are the people you need first, and who can you add on as time goes by.

So first of, I know exactly what every web page will do, I know what elements each page should have and roughly the layout.

So, I thought the best use of my time would to draw out Wire Frames of every page, and then use cases to describe the user interactions.

So thats everything I think I can possibly do.

The first set of people that come to my mind to hire would be a database designer, since I already know what information we need from the users and how their information and data collected from third parties.

Also, they already know how data is going to be displayed from the Wireframes and use cases.

Then I thought I would need to hire a designer, to design the web layout and interface.

Then I thought I would need a Developer to connect everything together.

If you were a small startup and could only hire 1 person at a time, is this the way you would go?

Best Answer

Here are the steps that I would take:

  1. Create an executive summary of your application. Not only does this give you a summary of the system you're trying to build and can help to keep you (and your team) on track, but it can be provided to prospective investor(s) as an opening.
  2. Yes, create wireframes with basic functionality descriptions
  3. Create a flow diagram (Visio or similar)
  4. Get a professional NDA and non-compete documents drawn up by a lawyer prior to talking to anyone about it. You want to protect your intellectual property as much as possible.
  5. If you don't already know one, find a web engineer first who has a healthy amount of real-world experience. Could be because I'm an engineer, but out of the three (database, graphic designer and developer), I'd feel most comfortable with a seasoned engineer telling me what he thinks I'd need in terms of a workforce.
  6. Develop a prototype. Make sure any assumptions made are flushed out and that the core idea of your system works.
  7. Then look at hiring a designer (and a database developer if required - I'd at least perhaps have a consultant review what's been implemented). Designers will make things look pretty and will definitely add to further development cost, but the design isn't something that you need to prove - the functionality is.

Just my two cents (and I may be completely off my rocker as I have done very little in terms of start ups), but hopefully it'll get you started :)

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