What and how much domain code should be put in an F# module


According to recommendations given here, F# modules should correspond to DDD bounded contexts, i.e. subdivisions of a business domain.

The bounded context I'm working on right now has 2 aggregates totalling a dozen of types, plus some rather complex functions/algorithms. If I follow the prescribed style, I end up with a 500+ LOC file, which IMO isn't very readable or navigatable, and it will only grow longer. Unfortunately, it seems F# modules can't be split across multiple files.

Other solutions I've attempted are :

  • One module per aggregate. Problem — if I include the aggregate type in the module, I end up with an inelegant aggregate type name (e.g. MyAggregate.MyAggregate), especially when reused in non-F# .NET code.
  • One file with all the types of the bounded context under a particular namespace and another file containing the functions inside a module. Still not satisfying since in F# I can't give the same name to the module and namespace, and functions are not really organized inside the file.

    // This gives a "namespace and module named ... both occur in 2 parts of this assembly" error
    namespace MyProject.Domain.MyBC
    type MyType = 
        // ...
    namespace MyProject.Domain
    module MyBC = //...

I'm still looking for a solution that satisfies the following

  • Meaningful organization of code reflecting DDD concepts, so that code lookup feels easy and obvious
  • Some degree of compartmentalization, to prevent native access to other unrelated parts of the domain and avoid mistakes
  • Low cognitive load to explore a file (meaning no more than a few hundred lines of code per file)
  • Simple, non contrived usage from external non-F# .NET code

Have I missed the obvious way of doing it, or does the lack of partial modules + namespace/module collision just make them an awkward scope for DDD?

Best Answer

Having watched the section of the video you refer to, I don't see where Scott says a Bounded Context should correspond to a module. He just happens to chose a module to represent the Bounded Context in his example. There is absolutely no reason that a Bounded Context must correspond to a module.

If you feel your Bounded Context does not map well to a module, you are free to split it in whatever way you want. It can as many modules and types as you want, partitioned by namespace(s), assembly or whatever else floats your boat. All that matters is that the principles of a Bounded Context that you desire, are achieved.

With regards to file size and navigation, you could try Visual F# Power Tools Navigate To feature.

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