Advantages of Build Scripts in Development Process


For most of my programming career, I've used the "build/compile/run" command in whatever IDE I'm working with to produce a runnable program. This is one button, pretty easy. As I learn more about different languages and frameworks, though, I see more and more talk of "build scripts" (ANT, Maven, Gradle, etc.) to get a project running. My understanding of these is that they are instructions to the compiler/linker/magical-program-maker that specify configuration details – minutiae.

I remember writing makefiles back in school, but I didn't see any special advantage then (we only used them when writing in a Unix terminal, where an IDE with it's handy "build" button wasn't present). Beyond that, I've seen other questions on here that discuss how build scripts can do more than just create your program – they can run unit tests as well as secure resources regardless of the host machine.

I can't shake the feeling that build scripts are important to understand as a developer, but I'd like a meaningful explanation; why should I use/write build scripts?

Responsibilities of Build Script and Build Server discusses the role it plays within a broader scope. I'm looking for specific advantages offered by a build script versus an IDE's "build/run" command or similarly simple methods.

Best Answer


When you are developing, only in the most simple projects will the default "build" button do everything you need it to do; you may need to create WS out of APIs, generate docs, link with external resources, deploy the changes to a server, etc. Some IDEs allow you to customize the build process by adding extra steps or builders, but that only means that you are generating your build script through the IDE commodities.

But developing a system is not only writing code. There are multiple steps involved. An IDE independent script can be executed automatically, meaning that:

  • When you commit a change to version control, a new build can be launched automatically by the server. It will ensure that you have not forgot to commit anything needed for the build.

  • Similarly, after the build is done, tests can automatically be run to see if you broke something.

  • Now the rest of the organization (QA, sysadmins) has a built product that

    a) is perfectly reproducible just from the control version.

    b) is common to all of them.

Even when I have been working as a one man team I have used scripts for that purpose; when I had developed the fix I would commit to SVN, export the SVN back in another directory and use the build script to generate the solution, which would go then to Preproduction systems and later to Production. If a few weeks later (with my local codebase already changed) someone complained of a bug, I would knew exactly which SVN revision I would have to checkout in order to properly debug the system.