What are the three most important questions you should ask your team about your performance as their team leader


I'm approaching the 1 year mark as a leader of a small development team (4 members, including myself) inside of a small software company. I'd like to give my team the opportunity to evaluate how I am doing as their team leader who is also a developer on the team.

I find it's hard to get good feedback with an open ended 'How am I doing?' question, so what specific questions are the most important to ask? Ideally I'd like to be able to provide 3 simple questions that my team would be able to answer. Which are the most important parts that you would like to give your team leader feedback on?

My initial thought was to allow my team to answer these questions anonymously? Is this a good idea?

Best Answer

Anonymously is best... However, I would take them out to lunch 1 at a time. I would ask them what they think could be improved at the company and don't talk about yourself (You are the company from their perspective). I think a lot of this depends on how you interact with them. Feed back is best given informally and is best done by you watching what they complain about and over time.

If someone stops talking then I'm worried.

my 2c.