HTTP – What Belongs in a Request Header vs the Request Body?


I'm working on a set of web services for a mobile client, and the requirements call for a unique device id to be included with all requests, to be stored in certain requests, and used to filter results in others.

A suggestion was made that it be put in a custom HTTP header since it will be included with all requests, so I began to wonder what criteria might be used to determine if a given piece of data belongs in a header or along with other data in the request body.

Is there any such criteria?

Best Answer

When the information is important, you should put it into the body.


  1. proxy servers are allowed to modify headers. Many are configured to strip any headers they don't know. This, however, only applies when you use unencrypted HTTP. When you use HTTPS, the proxy can't change the headers because they are encrypted.
  2. When you use a webservice, you usually do so for interoperability with other devices, services and tools. Most APIs and tools which work with webservices can easily change requests, but many make it difficult or even impossible to add custom headers. This, of course, only applies when interoperability is a concern. But when you don't care, you might want to ask yourself why you are using webservices in the first place instead of just building your own protocol on raw TCP.