Android vs iOS – Differences When iOS Is Not Open


My question may seem silly, but, I've read in many Android books that the better part of Android is Android is open, and iOS is closed.

But, from a programmer viewpoint, who cares about this point? Programmers just care about the platform: is it easy to program in, easy to have help in the network, etc. They don't care about whether the platform is open or closed.

One book had additional information, but I don't understand it much. Since iOS is not open, I’d be able to share my work with others only if Apple allowed it.

So, if you write an app, and need to share, you must have Apple's permission, but not Android's?

Please help me understand this point. I'm preparing for a presentation on Android. And I don't know if I should put this point into my presentation.

Best Answer

If Google doesn't accept your app for the play store, or you don't like their conditions, you could still offer it through alternative means, e.g. Amazon Market, AndroidPIT etc. or just sell it on your own website (*). Additionally, since Apple has strict requirements regarding content etc., and enforces them, your app is more likely to be rejected by Apple than by Google.

Android in general allows your app to dig deeper into the system. On iOS, your app simply cannot get the permission e.g. to kill other apps.

(*) Gameloft offered their Android games only through their website for a long time, so it's not a purely hypothetical option.

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