What does a standard code review contain


In my company, it's an email discussion of what feature is implemented and what kind of bug is fixed sent by the one who write the code. And the reviewer, who receives the mail, will review the code and discuss the quality and how to edit the code in his opinion. What does a standard code review contain?

Best Answer

In my experience, most formal code reviews devolve into style checking because it's easy. Even when you supply a checklist of things to look at, it's pretty easy for eyes to start glazing over.

I've found that unit test review provides more benefit. Most developers I've worked with don't really know how to unit test properly, and once they get that "Aha!" moment the rest of their code starts improving as well. Here's a hint: it's not a unit test if you require the user to inspect something, and it's not a unit test if you are just starting something up to run in a debugger.

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