What does “context-free” mean in the term “context-free grammar”


Given the amount of material that tries to explain what a context-free grammar (CFG) is, I found it surprising that very few (in my sample, less than 1 in 20) give an explanation on why such grammars are called "context-free". And, to my mind, none succeeds in doing so.

My question is, why are context-free grammars called context-free? What is "the context"? I had an intuition that the context could be other language constructs surrounding the currently analyzed construct, but that seems not to be the case. Could anyone provide a precise explanation?

Best Answer

It means all of its production rules have a single non-terminal on their left hand side.

For example, this grammar which recognizes strings of matched parentheses ("()", "()()", "(())()", ...) is context-free:

S → SS
S → (S)
S → ()

The left-hand side of every rule consists of a single non-terminal (in this case it's always S, but there could be more.)

Now consider this other grammar which recognizes strings of the form {a^n b^n c^n : n >= 1} (e.g. "abc", "aabbcc", "aaabbbccc"):

S  → abc
S  → aSBc
cB → WB
BX → Bc
bB → bb

If the non-terminal B is preceded by the terminal/literal character c, you rewrite that term to WB but if it's preceded by b, you expand to bb instead. This is presumably what the context-sensitivity of context-sensitive grammars is alluding to.

A context-free language can be recognized a push-down automaton. Whereas a finite state machine makes use of no auxiliary storage, i.e. its decision is based only on its current state and input, a push-down automaton also has a stack at its disposal and can peek at the top of the stack for taking decisions.

To see that in action, you can parse nested parentheses by moving left to right and pushing a left parentheses onto a stack each time you encounter one, and popping each time you encounter a right parentheses. If you never end up trying to pop from an empty stack, and the stack's empty at the end of the string, the string is valid.

For a context-sensitive language, a PDA isn't enough. You'll need a linear-bounded automaton which is like a Turing Machine whose tape isn't unlimited (though the amount of tape available is proportional to the input). Note that that describes computers pretty well - we like to think of them as Turing Machines but in the real world you can't grab arbitrarily more RAM mid-program. If it's not obvious to you how an LBA is more powerful than a PDA, an LBA can emulate a PDA by using part of its tape as a stack, but it can also choose to use its tape in other ways.

(If you're wondering what a Finite State Machine can recognize, the answer is regular expressions. But not the regexes on steroids with capture groups and look-behind/look-ahead you see in program languages; I mean the ones you can build with operators like [abc], |, *, +, and ?. You can see that abbbz matches regex ab*z just by keeping your current position in the string and regex, no stack required.)