What does ‘opinionated software’ really mean


I've seen a lot of other framework/library developers throw the phrase 'we write opinionated software' around, but in practical terms, what does that really mean? Does it mean that the author of the 'Opinionated Framework X' says that because they write code a certain way, you should be writing the same type of code that they write?

Isn't that a bit pretentious?

Best Answer

The framework imposes a certain way of working on you. Put another way, there's clearly one right way of using the framework which is nice and easy, and any other way of using the framework makes your life difficult.

I'm no Rails expert, but I'm told that it's opinionated because it's awesome for simple CRUD stuff, but when you try deviate from the "Rails way" things get tough. (This isn't necessarily a bad thing; I don't mean it as criticism.)

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