Algorithms – What Does Pi Mean in This BFS Algorithm Pseudocode?


I have the following pseudocode for breadth-first search algorithm

 1 for each vertex uV(G) \ {s}
 2     color[u] = white
 3     d[u] = ∞
 4     π[u] = nil
 5 color[s] = gray
 6 d[s] = 0
 7 π[s] = nil
 8 Q = ∅
 9 Enqueue(Q,s)
10 while q ≠ ∅
11     u = Dequeue(Q)
12     for each vAdj[u]
13         if color[v] == white
14             color[v] = gray
15             d[v] = d[u] + 1
16             π[v] = u
17             Enqueue(Q,v)
18     color[u] = black

Original image

I do not understand what the letter π indicates in this context. I am not familiar with this algorithm and it is a difficult to guess.

I think d indicates the distance, color is of course the color, but that π… it appears to be a variable of some sort but I do not understand its function in this pseudocode.

Best Answer

I believe the use of π here is actual “parent of”. So in this case, the “parent” of v  is u because we're looking at all nodes adjacent to u. This verbiage can be found here (PDF link).

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