What does the term “fast follower” mean


In the last few days, I've heard the term "fast follower" mentioned several times. It's used in the context of an unresolved bug/issue that (supposedly) will be quickly fixed and implemented.

Is this some new corporate jargon? I'm aware of a fast follower strategy, or second mover strategy (as described in this wikipedia article), but that doesn't apply in the context.

Best Answer

"Fast follower" is a code word for we have already failed because we don't take any calculated risks on implementing our own innovative ideas. It means we won't do anything until someone else has succeeded in doing it and by then it is too late in the game.

I worked for a billion dollar a year company that used to espouse this as a virtue. Guess what they laid off half the company ( 900+ ) people in a single day and the stock has been in the tank for years because of this idiotic mind set.

In your case someone is using a term they don't understand in the incorrect context.