Relational Database – What Does ‘Relational’ Imply?


I tried searching but didn't get any useful information.

What does the word "Relational" mean here? Is it tables being related to each other just like the real life entities, or does it mean something else?

Best Answer

From Wikipedia:

A relational database matches data by using common characteristics found within the data set. The resulting groups of data are organized and are much easier for many people to understand.

and further down:

A relation is defined as a set of tuples that have the same attributes. A tuple usually represents an object and information about that object. Objects are typically physical objects or concepts. A relation is usually described as a table, which is organized into rows and columns. All the data referenced by an attribute are in the same domain and conform to the same constraints.

The tables are related to each other by common attributes that can then be used to form more complex queries for pulling data.