What exactly is the build number in MAJOR.MINOR.BUILDNUMBER.REVISION


What I think about Build Numbers is that whenever a new nightly build is created, a new BUILDNUMBER is generated and assigned to that build. So for my 7.0 version application the nightly builds will be 7.0.1, 7.0.2 and so on. Is it so? Then what is the use of a REVISION after the build number? Or is the REVISION part being incremented after each nightly build? I am a little confused here… do we refer to each nightly build as a BUILD?

The format is mentioned here: AssemblyVersion – MSDN

Best Answer

I've never seen it written out in that form. Where I work, we are using the form MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION.BUILDNUMBER, where:

  • MAJOR is a major release (usually many new features or changes to the UI or underlying OS)
  • MINOR is a minor release (perhaps some new features) on a previous major release
  • REVISION is usually a fix for a previous minor release (no new functionality)
  • BUILDNUMBER is incremented for each latest build of a revision.

For example, a revision may be released to QA (quality control), and they come back with an issue which requires a change. The bug would be fixed, and released back to QA with the same REVISION number, but an incremented BUILDNUMBER.