What grammatical tense should I write the specifications in


We are currently writing functional and technical specifications in a two column format; summary sentence and technical detail. The details often refer to an appendix with diagrams, layout designs ect.

However I am struggling with what tense to write it in:

With past tense as if the work is done I struggle to show highlight extensions of exiting work. Future tense as in it needs to do X starts to sound like a to do list or Tense neutral very hard as it has either going to be done or is done.

To add further confusion this specification may be read by people who do not have English as a first language.

Best Answer

We've got plenty of that at my last place of work.

The product managers have chosen to use the present tense to describe what must be done, like:

The user sends an order. The system sends a confirmation message.

Unfortunately the description of the preconditions was also done in the present tense, like:

The user puts an item into the shopping cart and specifies the quantity.

This has caused a lot of confusion for me since it is not clear what already is and what is yet to come. I've tried to make them use any sort of a future tense but they never got to change. Personally, I couldn't get used to it in all my two years there. It just doesn't make any sense, sound like somebody hasn't got a mastery of the languages tenses.


  • Use a present tense for what already exists

  • Use a future tense for what must be done. Employ the worlds "should", "must", "will".