What has been your experience with SQL CLR for complex business logic


So I thought I had a perfect use-case for a CLR SQL Procedure. I've search the Net for perhaps a similar example where data is retrieved, records added and updated. I have not looked at a SQL CLR procedure for awhile, but since it was released in 2005 (some 6 years ago!) I would have hoped there were plenty of examples!

I'm considering it because I have to look at some data, run it through a bunch of procedural logic, update, and then get it back to the client. My thinking here is to get as close to the DB metal as possible, and use that hardware to make it happen quickly.

Is anybody using SQL CLR? If you have, what has been your experience with it?

p.s. originally posted on stackoverflow and moved here based on a comment.

Best Answer

SQL CLR integration was developed mainly because, implementing logic through T-SQL was really hard. .NET Framework if filled with thousands of useful libraries, to which you have no access at SQL engine level. Thus, any logic should be implemented from scratch. For example, a simple foreach loop should be implemented with cursors, which are honestly, far less productive.

I have experience of working with SQL CRL integration. I did it for date-time conversion at database engine level. Date-time conversion at the level of database engine is really really hard, while .NET, has System.Globalization which facilitates the work.

The main point of this method, is to follow the step exactly as described (like extension methods in which, methods should be static functions inside static classes inside first-level namespace). If you fail to do something exactly as you're told, things simply fail.

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