Algorithms – Efficient Way to Find Repeating Decimal


I am trying to find a efficient algorithm in Java to find the repeating decimal part of two integers a and b where a/b.

eg. 5/7 = 0.714258 714258….

I currently only know of the long division method.

Best Answer

I believe that there are two general approaches here, you can essentially "brute force" look for the longest repeating string, or you can solve it as a problem of number theory.

It's been a long time since I ran across this problem, but a special case (1 / n) is problem #26 on Project Euler, so you may be able to find more information by searching for efficient solutions for that specific name. One search leads us to Eli Bendersky's website, where he explains his solution. Here's some of the theory from Mathworld's Decimal Expansions page:

Any nonregular fraction m/n is periodic, and has a period lambda(n) independent of m, which is at most n-1 digits long. If n is relatively prime to 10, then the period lambda(n) of m/n is a divisor of phi(n) and has at most phi(n) digits, where phi is the totient function. It turns out that lambda(n) is the multiplicative order of 10 (mod n) (Glaisher 1878, Lehmer 1941). The number of digits in the repeating portion of the decimal expansion of a rational number can also be found directly from the multiplicative order of its denominator.

My number theory is a bit rusty at the moment, so the best I can do is point you in that direction.

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