Requirements Management – Metrics Collected from Requirements Development

cmmimeasurementmetricsRequirementsrequirements management

We elicit requirements from our product stakeholders by creating and refining user stories in monthly sprint planning meetings. This includes defining use cases, acceptance criteria, and identifying constraints, and the final result is a sprint backlog of user stories. The high-level customer requirements are refined into lower-level product requirements through design reviews among the development team throughout the sprint. The design reviews result in UML diagrams, software interfaces, and, in general, a human language description of various software requirements.

We are increasing our metric-awareness as an organization so that we can better identify potential areas of process improvement (and so that we can eventually be appraised at CMMI level 3).

What kind of useful metrics are there to collect in the elicitation and refinement of customer requirements?

Best Answer

  • How long you spend developing requirements. This is to see if the overhead is worth the benefit.
  • Average time to implement a requirement (requirements per hour or day). Some tasks are unavoidably complex, but in general, better-defined requirements don't take as long to implement.
  • How often requirements change between requirements development and the end of a feature's implementation. This measures both how well you understood the requirement and if you're breaking them down into small enough pieces.
  • Lag time between requirements development and start of implementation. This measures how well you're focusing on the most urgent needs.
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