History Apple – Standard Language for Apple Development Before Objective C


I don't think Objective C was in use from the beginning of Apple hardware development. What languages did app developers use for the earlier Apple computers, such as Apple II or Mac Classic?

Best Answer

In 1985 Larry Tesler developed a Pascal flavour for Apple, Object Pascal, that became the standard language for System 6. It was based on Clascal, a 1983 Pascal variant for the Lisa, also developed at Apple.

Object Pascal was used in MacApp, Apple's primary application framework at the time. MacApp 3.0, released in 1991, was re-written in C++ and Apple subsequently dropped support for Object Pascal in favour of C++ when they moved from Motorola's 68K chips to PowerPC.

Borland's Object Pascal, that today lives on as Embarcadero Delphi, started out in 1986 as a set of extensions to Turbo Pascal, that were intended to be similar to Apple's Object Pascal. Niklaus Wirth, Pascal's originator, was consulted by both Apple and Borland for their respective variants.

Conversely, Objective C was NeXTSTEP's main language and was introduced at Apple only after they purchased NeXT in 1996.

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