What makes a language Turing-complete


What is the minimal set of language features/structures that make it Turing-complete?

Best Answer

A Turing tarpit is a kind of esoteric programming language which strives to be Turing-complete while using as few elements as possible. Brainfuck is perhaps the best-known tarpit, but there are many.

  • Iota and Jot are functional languages with two and three symbols, respectively, based on the SK(I) combinator calculus.

  • OISC (One Instruction Set Computer) denotes a type of imperative computation that requires only one instruction of one or more arguments, usually “subtract and branch if less than or equal to zero”, or “reverse subtract and skip if borrow”. The x86 MMU implements the former instruction and is thus Turing-complete.

In general, for an imperative language to be Turing-complete, it needs:

  1. A form of conditional repetition or conditional jump (e.g., while, if+goto)

  2. A way to read and write some form of storage (e.g., variables, tape)

For a lambda-calculus–based functional language to be TC, it needs:

  1. The ability to abstract functions over arguments (e.g., lambda abstraction, quotation)

  2. The ability to apply functions to arguments (e.g., reduction)

There are of course other ways of looking at computation, but these are common models for Turing tarpits. Note that real computers are not universal Turing machines because they do not have unbounded storage. Strictly speaking, they are “bounded storage machines”. If you were to keep adding memory to them, they would asymptotically approach Turing machines in power. However, even bounded storage machines and finite state machines are useful for computation; they are simply not universal.

Strictly speaking, I/O is not required for Turing-completeness; TC only asserts that a language can compute the function you want, not that it can show you the result. In practice, every useful language has a way of interacting with the world somehow.

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