Android Development – Easiest and Fastest Methods for Developing Android Apps


Which one of these is the easiest/fastest choice for developing simple Android apps/games? I'm familiar with all this technologies.

   • Android SDK or NDK
   • C# on MonoDroid platform
   • Adobe Flash & Adobe AIR
   • Corona SDK
   • Converting tools like PhoneGap

Fundamentally, Could you explain adventages and disadventages of this methods.

Best Answer

For simple apps/games? I suggest you use what you're familiar with. Since you said you're familiar with all of those technologies, I would suggest the Android SDK in Java. Here's why:

  • C# for Monodroid is a pay-for product and the future of Mono is currently unstable for a bit. Although this would be the fastest if you're a C# developer, you don't give enough info to say you're better at C# than Java, so stick with Java.
  • Phonegap and Appcelerator don't give you total control over everything. If you're writing games you know how important it is to have as much control as possible.
  • Adobe Air is in the same boat as Mono, except much worse. Adobe air requires your user to download Adobe Air as a separate application, and keep it updated. Using the native SDK gives your user an overall best experience, and you'll have much more community support as a developer, not to mention the treasure trove of resources at