Bug Fixing – What Percentage of Bugs Should Be Fixed Before a Stable Release?


We have been working with a shopping cart for DotNetNuke, and have had endless problems with the developer's releases of their product. Every release fixes one thing but new bugs pop up elsewhere.

I know that bugs are inevitable and that we cannot squash all of them at the time, but can someone please tell me what percentage of bugs should be stamped out before a product can be accepted as a stable release?

Best Answer

I don’t think it’s a matter of percentage.

Each bug has to be evaluated on its own to decide whether it’s a show-stopper for the particular project in question, based on the likely cost of the bug if not fixed before release, and the likely cost of delaying release until the bug can be fixed.

(For example, Stack Overflow spent quite a while with a notification icon that didn’t display properly in Chrome. The costs of that bug were so low that it could happily be left for several weeks, as the team had bigger issues to focus on.)

And remember that “bugs” is just shorthand for “known bugs”. You could fix 100% of your known bugs and still not be in shape for launch, because you haven’t tested well enough.