What problems are stack oriented languages well-suited and ill-suited for


Stack-oriented programming is a pretty non-widely used paradigm (well, PostScript gets used under the hood a bit here and there). This in mind, what problems are stack-oriented languages good at? What would they do better than [paradigm] does? Also, for what problems are they a bad choice?

Is stack-oriented programming just a niche paradigm?

Best Answer

The main problem with stack-orient programming languages is that they are conceptually quite difficult for humans to understand. The advantage is that they are very easy for computers to evaluate and generate.

Which is why it was chosen for PostScript. It wasn't that long ago that printers only had a very small amount of memory and very under-powered CPUs. So giving them programs in a language that was easy to interpret and also easy to generate, you didn't require a super-computer inside your printer to evaluate.

Also keep in mind that many languages today, while not stack-oriented themselves, actually get compiled down to stack-oriented bytecode (think Java and .NET). Again, the reason being that stack-oriented processing is very easy for a computer to reason about.

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