What should we include in SSAS cube design documentation

documentationsql server

What should we include in a SSAS cube design documentation?

This is the initial phase of the document. I have included:

  • data models,
  • facts,
  • dimensions,
  • surrogate keys,
  • hierarchies and levels within hierarchies,
  • reports that we can pull from the cube,
  • proactive caching.

What else can we include?

Best Answer

How About the a source of the data and descriptions of all the ETL\ business rules needed to load the Cube?

It's a common misconception that to build data Cube all you need to do is learn how to model the Star Schema. But the Truth is getting all data from multiple sources, cleansed and married together in a unified format is much harder then building the cube. It mat be a good idea to document some of that stuff.

Also throw in Data Dictionary, those are always nice to have with a complex BI system.

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