Terminology – What Term Describes a List of Exactly Length 1?


A container having 2 or more elements could be called a "plural container". A container with no elements could be called an "empty container".

But what is the terminology for a container whose current size is exactly 1 element?

I would use the term "unary" but that refers to operators that take exactly 1 argument.

The reason I would like a term for this is that I am writing a boolean method to check if two data structures are both of size exactly one and I want a good name for the method. Currently I have:

def length_is_1(self, x, y):
    return len(x) == 1 and len(y) == 1

Best Answer

Do not come up with a new word. Your name is perfectly fine: It is unambiguous and specific and consequently leaves no doubt to the reader what you are talking about.

By contrast, singleton, unary, 1-tuple or any other term borrowed from mathematics or software engineering carries with it a baggage of preconceptions which are confusing. A list with a single element in it is emphatically not a singleton. It has nothing to do with unary operators, and a list is clearly not a tuple in C++. It is a list with one element in it, not more, not less.

That is sometimes a perceived downside of a simple approach in programming: It seems unsophisticated, and hence of a lesser value. Look at Duff's device! Marvel at the ingenuity of boost.lambda! But then listen to Jim Radigan, who leads the VC++ compiler team:

One of the other things that happen when we go to check code into the compiler is we do peer code review. So if you survive that, it’s probably ok, it’s not too complex. But if you try to check in meta-programming constructs with 4-5 different include files and virtual methods that wind up taking you places you can’t see unless you’re in a debugger – no one is going to let you check that in.

That your peer is able to understand your code right away because it is plain and simple and calls things what they are is not a sign that you didn't realize your full programming potential. It is a sign of excellence. Do not look for a Latin word.

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