Open Source Etiquette – What to Do When Someone Forks Your Project with the Same Name

etiquetteforkingopen source

I have this GPL project, it got stuck for like a year, I really like the idea, then somebody fork it and changed the whole thing but used the same name, I don't mind for the code (it was GPL after all) but I like the name. What's the etiquette for this kind of situation?

The project will benefit myself, and I like it, however the name wasn't for sale..

I know if I contact the author he'll understand and change the name, but I have no time to work on that project right now, so I don't want to be a "name troll" for my folks (small community), so I'll let it be this time, my question is more about the etiquette of forking. If the project is apparently abandoned can they fork and use the same name or they MUST get a new name?

Best Answer

The most effective way of protecting the name of your project is to register it as a trademark (and make clear in all documentation that the project name is a registered trademark), because then people are required to get your permission before re-using the name.

If you license your project under GPLv3, then you could also add the name-change as additional condition to your copyright license, but I am not sure how effective that really is (ask a lawyer if you want to be sure).

But both of these options only work if you apply them before the name re-use takes place. If you have not taken preventive measures, the only option is to ask the maintainer of the other software nicely.

As for the ethics, if it can be seen as a continuation of an (apparently) abandoned project, then I see no reason to use a different name, but it would be a good gesture to try to contact the previous maintainer to ask if they really abandoned the project.

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