TDD Overhead – Real Overhead of TDD for Experienced Teams


What percentage of time is saved and costed doing TDD.

I assume this percentage of cost and reward changes during a projects life-cycle.

I'd imagine the initial phase has a lot more cost but little rewards attached. Further on (during re-factoring) you get the benefit of your tests.

I've heard anywhere from 30-50% of your time is writing unit tests. However that doesn't take into account the time saved from writing those tests.

What's everyones' experience with this?


EDIT Whats the time saved as well as the time cost? In bug fixing and refactorablity?

Best Answer

I've heard anywhere from 30-50% of your time is writing unit tests. However that doesn't take into account the time saved

In my experience, it's more than 50%.

Once you've written the test, the solution has a tendency to come very easy. So I don't think it's odd to spend 70% - 75% of your time writing tests, but you're spending much less time writing the 'production code' (code-being-tested) and spending virtually no time in the debugger.

The sooner you find a bug, the cheaper it is to fix, and TDD helps with that tremendously. I've worked on projects where the last 2 months (of an 8 month project) were spent fixing bugs, and that phase would be almost entirely eliminated with TDD.

To me though, the real value is in maintenance. Inheriting a code base with tests makes you less scared to alter it. You feel like you didn't break anything when the tests still pass. Since you aren't scared to make changes you're willing to refactor if something isn't right. Which means the code can be made cleaner, the design can fit better, and, in theory, changes can be applied. Contrast that with voodoo code everyone's scared to touch.