Parsing – Simplest Example to Explain Parse Trees vs Abstract Syntax Trees


To my understanding, a parser creates a parse tree, and then discards it thereafter. However, it can also pop out an abstract syntax tree, which the compiler supposedly makes use of.

I'm under the impression that both the parse tree and the abstract syntax tree are created under the parsing stage. Then could someone explain why these are different?

Best Answer

A parse tree is also known as a concrete syntax tree.

Basically, the abstract tree has less information than the concrete tree. The concrete tree contains each element in the language, whereas the abstract tree has thrown away the uninteresting pieces.

For example the expression: (2 + 5) * 8

The concrete looks like this

  ( 2  + 5 )  * 8
  |  \ | / |  | |
  |   \|/  |  | |
   \___|__/   | |

Whereas the abstract tree has:

2  5 
  +  8

In the concrete cases the parentheses and all pieces of the language have been incorporated into the tree. In the abstract case the parentheses are gone, because their information has been incorporated into the tree structure.