Front-End Development – When to Do Calculations in Front-End?

front-endprogramming practicesweb-applications

My team is developing a WEB based finance application and there was a bit of an argument with a colleague where to keep the calculations – purely in back-end or keep some in front-end too?

Brief explanation:
We are using Java (ZK, Spring) for front-end and Progress 4gl for back-end. Calculations that involve some hardcore math & data from database are kept in back-end, so I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the situation where the user enters value X, it is then added to the value Y (shown in screen) and the result is shown in the field Z. Pure and simple jQuery-ish operations, I mean.

So what would be the best practice here:

1) Add values with JavaScript that saves from going to the back-end and back and then validate them at the back-end "on save"?

2) Keep all the business logic in the same place – therefore bring the values to the back-end and do the calculations there?

3) Do the calculations in the front-end; then send data to the back-end, validate them there, do the calculations again and only if the results are valid and equal, display them to the user?

4) Something else?

Note: We do some basic validation in Java but most of it is still in the back-end as all the other business logic.

Increase of data that would be sent by recalculating everything in a back-end wouldn't be a problem (small XML size; servers and bandwidth would withstand the increased amount of operations done by users).

Best Answer

As always, such decisions involve a trade-off between different goals, some of which conflict with each other.

  • Efficiency would suggest that you perform calculations in the front-end - both because that way the user's computer uses more power and your server uses less, and because the user sees faster feedback, which improves the user experience.

  • Security demands that any state-changing operations cannot rely on data being checked or computed in the client computer, because the client computer may be under the control of a malicious attacker. Therefore, you must validate anything that comes from untrusted sources server-side.

  • Programming efficiency and maintainability suggests that you shouldn't do the same computation twice because of the wasted effort.

Superficially this sounds as if everything has to be done server-side, but that isn't always the case. If you can easily maintain the duplicated code (e.g. by auto-generating a javascript validator from your server-side Java validator), then repeating the computation can be a good solution. If the data involved are all unimportant, e.g. if the user could cheat only themselves and not you if they manipulate values, then server-side validation isn't necessary. If your response time is dominated by completely different bottlenecks so that a round-trip delay is not perceptible, then UX considerations aren't decisive, etc. Therefore you have to consider how strong each of these pressures is in your situation, and decide accordingly.

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