Design Patterns – When Not to Use a Factory


I'm employing TDD quite a bit these days and really enjoying myself – everything seems to flow better and be naturally better constructed and organized. However, while writing a bit of IO code, utilizing System.IO.Streams, and I was wondering – when is it ever worth not using a factory? Because in Streams case, it certainly seems better to not use a factory.

Generally, for more complex types that I have defined, such as a class that controls the authentication of something and interfaces with a database, you would probably use a dependency injection container and have this resolved at runtime without ever needing to actually create one.

However, in some circumstances, when you need to create a lot of these instances, you would create a Factory to construct that type – such as:

class Foo
  Foo(Bar bar, Foobar foobar, Fuzz fuzz)

Here, because you don't want to expose how to directly create this object to the clients that need it, you expose a Factory that will create them and inject that into the client instead. This has the benefit of allowing you to replace the factory at any time you want with something else and is generally used for creating instances of types which have derived types.

class FooFactory
   void Create(Bar, Foobar, Fuzz)

However, back to my Stream point – would it even be worth creating a Factory for a decorator around a Stream? For example, in my project I have BinaryDataStream, which reads my data from a Streeam. The BinaryData is in a custom format, and takes a Stream argument in it's constructor. Using new seems to violate everything I know that I've learned since I started using TDD, because I am giving the dependent in which it needs to know explicitly about how to get it's collaborator However a factory seems overkill.


EDIT: I think I need to clarify. I don't mean avoiding new() all the time, as obviously it has it's use in tying up dependencies and the like. however, I meant in the following situation (copy-pasta from comments):

What I meant was that I have been told it is intrinsically evil to
use the new() operator to a collaborator from inside the type that
uses the collaborator, and that it is better to either a) pass an
injected type or b) pass a factory (if you need to create an unknown
number of those types). By using new() inside the collaborator you
tie how to create that object and where to create it directly to the
thing that requires it, and that it is better to inject a preconfigured
instance into the constructor if you need one instance of it, or inject
a factory into the constructor if you need to create multiple/undetermined
number of instances

Best Answer

Here, because you don't want to expose how to directly create this object to the clients that need it, you expose a Factory that will create them and inject that into the client instead.

  1. If clients know the object exists, it's usually fine for them to know how to make it. If you have an interface then maybe you need some factory to make the concrete instance, but for TDD you're just going to mock it anyways.
  2. Your example factory is just a passthru. Your client already knows everything needed to build the object, so replacing the factory is just as hard as replacing the constructor call.

When is it worth NOT using a Factory?

This is the wrong mode of thought.

You should default to not using factories. Factories are only necessary when you need to abstract away object creation. Since you should (in general) limit the creation of objects that require such abstraction, you should use factories sparingly. Instead, most of your objects will just take some interface and not care where it came from.

Only add complexity when it is necessary.