Versioning – When Should Version Number Be Incremented?


I didn't learn programming at school and I do not work as a (professional) developer, hence a lot of basics are not quite clear to me. This question tries to clarify one of them.

Now let's suppose that I have issues #1, #2 and #3 in my Issues Tracker that are set to be corrected/enhanced for version 1.0.0 and that the last (stable) version is 0.9.0.

When should I increment to version 1.0.0 ? When a) just one of the listed above issues is closed or b) when all the issues related to version 1.0 are closed ?

Which one is the right way to do it ? And by the right way, I mean what is currently used in the industry.

Best Answer

I can tell you how I do it at work.

We have a continuous integration server that builds, tests, tags and outputs a versioned package. We only proceed to the next stage if the previous one is %100 successful.

Our version looks like this: <Major Version>.<Minor Version>.<Build Number>

  • Every successful build that has no completed bug fix or feature enhancement increments the Build Number.
  • Every successful build with a completed bug fix or feature enhancement increments the Minor Version. This is automatically detected by the presence of a commit message using a particular format. This commit message also automatically get's pulled into the projects ChangeLog.
  • Every Major Version increment is done by hand when we have non backward compatible changes, rewrites from scratch or other reasons made on a case by case basis.
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