Database Design – Can Hibernate Eliminate the Need for Database Design?


We started (just me and my friend) working on a website. As a part design phase we have finished the drawing a Site Map, decided on the content in each of the web page and the navigation.

As we want to use the Spring MVC and Hibernate we want to start on Classes design (domain classes) first so that the database part is taken care by Hibernate (Except for some tables for static data). Does our approach correct? Is my understanding correct that when we use Hibernate the 80% of the database design can be forgotten?

Best Answer

No, your database is still important

NHibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) solution for the projects: it provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Thus it is important to keep your database in a good shape.

Otherwise, you may face with performance issues once you project starts to grow.

In addition, it is always pays back if you keep your database design as normalized and as good as possible.

References to support my point:

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