When would you need “hundreds of thousands” of threads


Erlang, Go, and Rust all claim in one way or another that they support concurrent programming with cheap "threads"/coroutines. The Go FAQ states:

It is practical to create hundreds of thousands of goroutines in the same address space.

The Rust Tutorial says:

Because tasks are significantly cheaper to create than traditional threads, Rust can create hundreds of thousands of concurrent tasks on a typical 32-bit system.

Erlang's documentation says:

The default initial heap size of 233 words is quite conservative in order to support Erlang systems with hundreds of thousands or even millions of processes.

My question: what sort of application requires so many concurrent threads of execution? Only the busiest of web servers receive even thousands of simultaneous visitors. Boss-worker/job-dispatching type applications I've written hit diminishing returns when the number of threads/processes is much greater than the number of physical cores. I suppose it might make sense for numerical applications, but in reality most people delegates parallelism to third party libraries written in Fortran/C/C++, not these newer generation languages.

Best Answer

one use case - websockets:
as websockets are long-lived compared to simple requests, on a busy server a lot of websockets will accumulate over time. microthreads give you a good conceptual modelling and also an relatively easy implementation.

more in general, cases in which numerous more or less autonomous units are waiting for certain events to occur should be good use-cases.

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