Where to store configuration URL variable in Rails


I have an external ecommerce link that varies based based on environment (testing and production systems).

Where should it go in Rails?

Possibilities include:

  • a conditional directly in the template, on the button (not a good solution, IMO)
  • database (though there's no model for this so it would be a specific case possibly over-generalized)
  • application.rb (which I believe is not recommended for this purpose)
  • environment-specific application configs
  • initializer
  • view helper
  • YAML file
  • (external) environment variable
  • etc.

Where would this typically go in Rails?

Some of these keep the template clean, but put a very specific case far away from the place it's used.

Best Answer

Configuration data like this should always be stored in a configuration file. I have the below line in all my rails applications:

# config/application.rb
config.app_config = Rails.application.config_for(:app_config)

You can read more about it here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Rails/Application.html#method-i-config_for

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