History of Exceptions – Who Designed Exceptions?


Where did exceptions and exception handling come from?

I like how .NET uses it, I like how C++ supports it (but libraries unfortunately use return code or is written in C instead). I know its pretty much standard in all new languages, but who designed it first or where did it come from?

Is C++ the first language to use it? I don't know of any other that is older.

Best Answer

Raising and trapping exceptions has been around for quite a time. This site says exceptions were introduced in PL/I: http://www.math.grin.edu/~rebelsky/Courses/CS302/98S/Outlines/outline.02.html

which was in 1967, according to this page (includes an extensive but not exhaustive chart of computer languages and features): http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,22741,00.html

Many languages picked up this technique -- ADA, ALGOL, FORTRAN, ML [...]

Quoted from here.

Wikipedia has more detail about exception handling in PL/1. That page also refers to PL/1 being the first. Of course, this is no scientific proof :-)

As for who in person designed PL/1, the article mentions no names, only various committees at IBM.

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